I am a habitual "tryer" (yes I made that up) of fashion. I always order something from different sites to get a feel for their product, quality, and overall look of their garment. This is so I can recommend clothes to you that I actually would wear myself and I I feel isn't a piece of crap...lol So I came across Dorothy Perkins and found this fabulous little top. I can really say I love this top. Ooooh and I have to point out that it buttons up in the back....tre' tre' chic! It has a Dynasty feel with less volume. The material is pretty and looks expensive even though the top was only $50 bucks.
Dorothy Perkins is in England and it takes abuot 2 weeks to get your order, but it is worth the wait. They have quite a few things that are very chic, so I definitely be going back to Dorothy! Diahann Caroll watch out:)

Top - Dorothy Perkins - $50
Pencil Skirt - Jibri (http://www.jibrionline.com/) - $160
Shoes - Newport News - $40
Necklace - Target - $13
P.S. (Thanks to my boyfriend's mom for giving me the huge gold clip ons ~ they are sooo 80s Dynasty:) ~ You guys cant see them in the pic so here is a close up!

I love DP, I've been spending a gross amount of money there lately. I am not a fan of the currency conversion but that's the price you pay for being fly.