Spring with Jibri - Garnerstyle

Spring with Jibri

I think everyone knows I'm a huge fan of the Jibri.  I have quite a few pieces in my closet.  So when I finally saw some of the finalized pics from the Spring Collection I had to share.  I am personally in love as usual.  Everything is so romantic.  I want to take a stroll to a Bakery in the streets of Paris in the Spring wearing one of these dresses.  (Ok, so I'm a little dramatic).  There are a few more pieces that I didnt post but you can see the rest at http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=150831&id=131330253300#!/album.php?aid=150831&id=131330253300&ref=mf .  There are a few more pieces to come.  I hope you love, because I sure do!

To shop these styles go to http://www.etsy.com/shop/jibrionline


  1. So flirty and romantic! I love it!

  2. I love the first 3 dresses and the models are stunning.

  3. Everything is so romantic. I want to take a stroll to a Bakery in the streets of Paris in the Spring wearing one of these dresses.

    I love that, lol! I will have to quote you on that one. These outfits are cute and this is the first time I have heard of this shop, the only problem I have with the shop is it out if my price range(which is my problem) idk i might have to splurge!

  4. @Vixen in Training...thanks for the comments...yea you might have to treat yourself to a Jibri dress. I own a few pieces and I cant get enough!

    Also, I love the fact that you went back to the No Cheapassness entry, which was when I first started. Every now and again I will get on rant.
