I Love Haters - Garnerstyle

I Love Haters

So this is a post that I am reluctantly doing, really because I don't like acknowledge haters.  I also like to keep everything fashion related.   Most recently, I was featured on Fashion Bomb.  Now, I'm very aware of Fashion Bomb's readers and how they react to the plus size fashion bomb of the day.  They are very predictable.  The audacity that a fat girl might love herself and try to show off in some cute outfits.  Now in the words of Beyonce, "I love haters."  You need them.  They get the crowd going.  In the last few days, I've gotten so much traffic just from their rants and raves on my weight.  That works wonderfully, because through their rants and raves women who needed that encouragement to love themselves find my blog and other plus size fashion blogs.  Anytime I can help someone accept themselves, I'm all for that.  

To my readers.  I love yall.  Yall go toe to toe for me. I got so many emails about the comments.  Honestly, when I'm on a site like that, I stay away from the comments, which is unfortunate because a majority of the commenters are really positive.  There's no need for me to read what I already know is gonna be said.  It usually goes like this - you're fat, you need to lose weight, stop eating...blah blah blah blah blah.  Which is fine, because everyone is entitled to their own opinion.  Members of the Ku Klux Klan get to have freedom of speech, why shouldn't they?  

Here are some of the best comments
(By best, I mean these "women" went in & I didn't correct their grammar & spelling)


I just dont feel comfortable saying that shes fashionable.her size bothers me. Shes too big. She won’t live to c 40 if she keeps it up. How does she keep herself clean?what man really wants to be seen with a woman that out of shape. Get some cute workout outfits and live in the gym. Being obese will never looking good with or without clothing.

Who Gone Check Me

At the end of the day she’s still morbidly obese and IDC what way any of you try to sugar coat it. Get it together and lose weight. People like you are the reason the First Lady has to force schools to implement fitness & dietary programs. No self control I tell you! And then the rest of us are expected to coddle you with sensitivity and encouraging comments. NO! You’re not curvy. You’re OBESE. There’s no way she feels good about being that size. There’s no way she’s comfortable bc the human body isn’t designed to support that much weight and she’ll know when her heart and joints start to give out. Fucking pansies stay trying to convince folks you can be healthy and overweight. “love yourself big girls”. Yes love yourself enough to take care of yourself. This is no different than being dangerously in the fashion industry. Its unhealthy and unnatural. If a 90lbs girl got up here y’all fat asses would tell her to go eat! So I’m telling you Chasity to back away from the fucking table. Nobody is overweight because they can’t help it. She’s overweight bc she’s lazy.


I love, love, love this bobmshells style but I can’t help but to notice significant weight gain which worries me! Plus-sized and style indeed belong in the same sentence just as love and health do! Sure we love Chastity ‘s style but if we love Chastity we would not totally ignore this mere fact. Chastity, if you are reading this, please do not take offense. As a woman who has struggled with weight all my life, as many of us have, I am in support of you, the best you! Losing the weight is not about style, it is about health! On Chastitys fourth post as a Bombshell (because I hope she is sure to return) I’d like to see not just her classic style but her progress in being the healthiest Chastity there has ever been! Nothing but love…Kei  (I love this one is particular because I'm actually a few pounds lighter than I was on my submission a year ago and this is the perfect nice- nasty combo LOL)

To view the complete post and comments you can go here

My main reason for writing this is because I know that some let internet bullies ruin their day and some even let them take their lives away.   You see too often where children and adults let people's comments on the internet affect them drastically.   Now, I've been fat all my life.  I guess you can say, "I was born this way."  The fat kids are usually easy targets, so I've been well seasoned in bullies.  Fortunately for me, I was tall as well as big and I was pretty good in sports, which left me as somewhat of a popular kid.  The last time I let a bully affect my life was when I was 13 years old.  I've accepted myself and who I was and what I looked like a long time ago.  I know some are not as strong in their self loving as me.  I want those people to know that these people don't count.  They just don't. Don't be afraid to live your life and to shine as bright as you can, because you are afraid what somebody else might say.   To my parents: my mother told me and my siblings we were beautiful all the time, even though I was put on diet plan after diet plan during my youth, my mom still made it clear that I was beautiful.  It is so important to let your kids know how fabulous they are.  This is why I am the confident and happy woman I am today.  Keep shining and I love yall!


  1. It's Adhari aka @GlossandShadow we've corresponded a few times. You.Are.Gorgeous!!!! I cannot help but relate to the end message of your post. Everytime you post an outift, you are inspiring and uplifting women to accept who they are and not have to hide inside the house because of their weight. You teach and train them how to put it all together even if you're not a size 4 or hell a 14 for that matter. Thank You for posting, don't stop. I personally enjoy your posts and have taken a better stance on my style and what I wear. Not because I never cared about my fashion but now I look at style in another light. Don't stop!!!!!!!

  2. I love your attitude and you are SO right, you are beautiful and anyone who can't see that? Well, as my old Granny used to say "you can't cure stupid".

  3. Are they serious? How rude and ignorant of people . Your are one the most stylish. confident, and beautiful women I know. If they say you can't dress only because of your weight, then F them. People like that .. GO KILL YOURSELF RIGHT NOW!!!! Keep shinning , you are you, and you don't compromise or step on people to get ahead!!! Your day is coming Trust That.

    1. Gotta love how people think that fat girls don't know we are fat. I've had that thrown at me too, and it's like really? Thanks. I thought I was a size 2. I live in my body every day but I love clothes like Chastity and I think I look good everyday. I also workout, but that is not anyone's business, and I hate how we get shamed into saying "oh, I'm fat, but I hate myself and I'm working out so you won't have to be offended by my fatness forever."
      I love how much she loves herself and if this is how she looks forever, she should continue to love herself and enjoy her clothes. I know I plan to.
      I just can't with how ugly people comfortable being b/c they get to hide behind the internet.
      It's unfortunate b/c other people have bad habits or vices(and I'm not calling fat a vice b/c I do'nt think it is, but people tend to associate it with gluttony, sloth, overindulgence, etc.) but if they aren't visible, no one feels the need to shame them about it.
      If she was model skinny but stayed that way b/c of drugs or anorexia, these same ugly creatures would be praising her.

  4. I love this post. Those comments had my blood boiling. They are sitting in around being internet trolls while you're living your life like it's golden!

  5. With this foolishness I really want to be speechless, but the fact that we are proud to be plus size women won't allow me to gasp. People like us who have been plus size all of our life are somewhat used to this ranting. We love our bodies and not only do we love ourselves; we encourage other women to do the same. The mere fact that people feel they can break you by speaking negatively is ridiculous. I'll put it like this... For those who don't like fat girls, plus size women, BBW's how about pick on someone your own size (no pun intended)! We got this body, style, and high self-esteem on lock! We have pulled, will pull, and are still pulling some of the finest men in America since you are concerned. Sweep around your own front door before you try to sweep around mine.


  6. It doesn't get any better than this post! Why do people feel the need to discuss your weight when it was your style that was being showcased? Why do you people feel the need to discuss your size at all? Hating is just admiration disguised. Style on Chasity! ~ Ms. LMC

  7. I am so bored of all this bullshit health talk. It's not like us fatties are blogging about how healthy we are and how cool it is to be obese. I wonder if skinny bloggers get haters commenting about how unhealthy it is to be underweight? I bet they do.... it's probably the same people commenting about overweight people who blatantly just hate everyone who is different from them. Nobody needs to be lectured by stangers! We just like nice clothes, and we have every right to look amazing! You are still one of the most stylish women I have ever seen, fat or thin xx

  8. I'm absolutely disgusted with the comments those people left! But I'm glad you didn't let them get you down. Those people don't matter anyway. All that matters is that you're happy with yourself!

  9. Many of these people say they love and support but then turn around and say ridiculous comments... if they truly did support you and paid attention they would know that you are currently on your own weight loss/healthy living journey.


  10. I /love/ (that's sarcasm font, btw), that "Who Gonna Check Me" states you should love yourself enough to take care of yourself, which to her, means lose weight. Love yourself just enough, but not too much! People are ridiculous. I'm glad you take this w/a grain of salt. I think you're fabulous, so these people can eat it, as far as I'm concerned.

  11. People are a mess. Weight is the one thing that people think they can hold on to in order to put you down under the disguise of being "concerned" about your health. Man please!! I take a cardio-kickboxing class once a week and can outshine/out-kick any thin newbie who walks in the door. Most of them are half passed out on the floor by the time we're through, and I just walk right over them.

    I'm glad you're able to keep walking with pride. Stepping right over the very fools who hide behind a computer and couldn't hold a mirror up to your style on their BEST day. And most of all, thank you for this post. Continue to be an inspiration.

    1. Girl I used to put grown men to shame in my spin class...LOL! I'm gonna try yoga next. Let's keep it pumping!

    2. Chass u should post the pic of you holding your leg in the air and tell them to kiss it lol! Being overweight doesn't make you unhealthy and being skinny doesn't make you healthy....

    3. "Being overweight doesn't make you unhealthy and being skinny doesn't make you healthy...."

      Amen to this! Because there are a lot of unhealthy skinny chicks out there and they don't even know it!Chas....best post EVER!

  12. Chastity...

    So much can be said here, but I'm going to keep it brief. Katt Williams says, "If you don't have any haters, you're not doing your job!" As a woman that has been plus sized all of her life, I totally relate and it's very hard to get out of the box that we're put into because of "size". It's the reason that I've overachieved in many areas of my life...I guess because I could control it. My weight was something that I couldn't and has been the bain of my existence. I appreciate and admire you for demonstrating that size does not have to be a barrier when being beautiful and fashionable.

    I say "Hi! Haters" with you.

  13. Chastity, thank you so much for posting this. Like Nakki, there's so much to address here, but I'll keep it brief, too. I'm glad that you were honest about the kind of hateful "criticism" you received. It still shocks most of us, and while it's completely moronic and out of line, it's really NOT shocking, is it? Fat-bashing, for lack of better words, is the last refuge of ignorant, mean-spirited, and insecure people. The fact that most of these people choose to remain comfortably anonymous says it all: they don't really have a message or concern, etc. They just want to be mean. They don't want a fight, because they know they've got nothing to stand on.

  14. I just did an interview talking about fashion and what it means for me, a plus sized gal to be able to actively participate in it. Honestly there are few blogs I bother with the comments section due to what I call "youtube" style commentators.

    I'mma let Katt Williams have the last word on "haters"

    1. Thanks for that Katt Williams youtube! Loved it!

    2. Yes!! Katt is telling the truth. Those that hate are threaten by your success.

  15. So amazing how people can instantly assume that because one is over weight it means they don't exercise and eat healthy... Sometimes there's a lot more to a persons weight that unhealthy habits or laziness. Some of us are really just genetically born this way.... Lol

    Glad to read that you not taking their comments to heart, theyvwont break you Hun.

  16. This might be my first comment on your site and I look at it weekly! That burns me up,.. like you said- how dare you embrace your size, wonderful fashion sense and share tips with the rest of us on what products and brands work for you and don't. I know that you won't let this stop your movement, but I wanted to drop a quick line of encouragement. You are the bomb Mrs. Chastity. Your fashion sense is incredible. And you are even on a journey to improving your health which is even more fab that you are so hottttt and you still want to better yourself.
    Love that you put them on blast also!
    keep doing you!

    1. Yeah!!! I love you with your lurking self..LOL. Thank you!

  17. ahh haters, the gift that keeps on giving! #sideeye

    kudos for you for realizing that their ugliness really has nothing to do with you and that what they truly hate is that we choose to be happy in our own skin while they are probably sadly unhappy with various aspects of their own lives.

    stay awesome.

  18. I have been following your blog for a while now and have referred a few friends to it as well. I even purchased a few items from your store and got many compliments when I wore them. If I met some of those commenters face to face, I would have to give them the confused dog expression (head tilted to one side with questioning eyes). As overweight individuals, we are very aware of our weight. We see it everyday. I guess they're the folks who stand in the middle of a hurricane and announce "it's raining!" I'm currently an 18/20 but am working to get back down to a 14 - I wore the largest size in the misses dept but the smallest in the plus. It was the best of both worlds. Health is a priority and I am working on being more healthy, but can't I look fly and love myself in the process?! I've been plus size-full figured-overweight-curvy my whole life so I don't know what wondrous things would happen if I suddenly became a size 4 (which would have me looking like the crypt keeper). I don't even think Denzel and Idris could convince me that would be a good idea. LOL

  19. Screw the haters. And as my grandmother says "Fuck'em" (Excuse my French). You are amazing, Gorgeous and such a true role model. Keep doing your thing Chastity!

  20. I love these granny bits of wisdom...one of the highlights of getting old is you get to say anything you want exactly how you want to say it LOL!

  21. I love your blog, your style and your confidence is contagious!! You represent the best I've ever seen and no one can take that away with their jealous evil comments! Thank you for always inspiring!


  22. Great response. I'm glad you didn't engage with them in terms of them commenting on your health. It's none of their business and I'm so tired of people automatically conflating fat with unhealthy.

    I'm a thin woman and I love your blog. You have such great style and you give me confidence to wear things I'd normally be too shy to wear.

    Keep on pushin' on. You have thousands of subscribers for a reason: Your style is bomb!

    1. Thank you for your fabulous readership and continue support!!! I love reading your comments. Yeah my health is none of their business.

    2. Amen! That is the bottom line. It's none of their business. Save the faux concern. You need one of those "Can I Live?" shirts!

      Thank you for this post, gorgeous one! It truly lifted me as I have struggled with body issues all of my life. You be killing em and they are SO mad about it. I live for your style and your blog. As others have said, you inspire with every post.

      In more important matters, will the blue double slit skirt come back? I need to kill them on the beach with that this summer :-)

    3. LOL! I'm ordering, I'm ordering. I've had so many requests. I try to get some in by next week.

  23. The commentors on FBD are the meanest bunch of internet bullies I've ever come across(I've been under their attack). They seat behind their computers n lash out at some1 who's doing something amazing for herself n helping others in the process, just to make themselves feel better.
    You are fabulous n u know it. No1 can take that away from you.
    Love you plenty!


  24. I read some of those posts on FBD and after a few minutes I had to back away. I just couldn't understand the audacity of some of those females. It's unfortunate that people would go in about your weight, but not acknowledge that your style is bomb! smh. Please continue to be your fly self and dust your shoulders off!

  25. I'm so, so tired of all the fat haters. Like, hate fat all you want, but shut UP about it & quit pissing in everyone else's Wheaties. Do you think these people berate smokers or anorexics or people with cancer or folks in wheelchairs or anyone else they perceive as being unhealthy? Naw. They go in on people that are fat because fat is seen as gross and gross is seen as a go-ahead for bullying. This shit is played out, & I'm so glad you're putting them on blast for being such douchebags.

    Keep being you, doing what you do, loving your body, & encouraging us to love ours.

    1. Exactly. I hate pickles but do not need to go on a rant about pickles when people eat them in my presence. I don't eat them, and if you like them, you can have mine when our plates come out.
      If it's not for you, keep it moving, but people are really arrogant with their idea that what they find beautiful, what they idolize, or what they are is the only way to be.

  26. Reminds me of a quote from Aristotle, "There is only one way to avoid criticism: do nothing, say nothing and be nothing." You cannot do, say or be in this world without someone trying to hate! Love love and more love to you for this post and for shining your light.

  27. Well I guess they are entitled to their opinion and I am entitled to mine. Go fuck yourself. Chasity your the shit, I love u and your blog. Keep showing them!


  28. Those bishes slay me...

    They hide behind their computer screens, but their insecurities are posted for the world to see.

    Instead of recognizing your fabulousness, they let it bother them to the point where they just HAVE to find something to go in on.

    They can't say you aren't pretty because you have a gorgeous face. They can't say you aren't stylish because you clearly are. They see your cute, defined waistline and curvy figure and remember that they're shaped like an iPhone and they get MAD, honey!

    I'm so glad you see past their BS!

  29. They can all go to hell, i really not wasting anymore time on talking about those hater! Neither should you. Continue on beauty!

  30. How DARE you be big, beautiful and HAPPY?! The NERVE of you *chuckles*! I am familiar with that site and I refuse to view the comments because I can only imagine how awful they were. I am sorry you had to endure that BS. Please do not stop inspiring us plus size ladies to embrace our inner and outer beauty. I lurk here and follow you on IG, you are my favorite fashion inspiration. YOU ROCK SIS, stay beautiful and blessed!

    1. You're right, Julia: so much of it is "How dare you?" Meaning: how dare you not be as miserable and insecure as I am?

  31. Those posts ARE always the same, I feel like the re-use the same comments and replace them with the fashionista being featured. Find and Replace hate. YOU ARE AMAZING and have inspired me to wear crop tops for the first time this summer (I am even venturing into shorts, gasp). I think I will document my "What Fat Girls Can't Wear" campaign (I know the lovely blogger from "Stylish Curves" is doing something similar), and submit it to Fashion Bomb Daily, maybe even buy a billboard (ok, that's overkill). Youknow what they say, you know you're successful at what you do when the haters come out.

  32. Chasity, I like you have been fat all my life and my grandmother constantly told me I was beautiful as she worked me out and did the diet thing to me as well so i can completely understand where you are coming from. Im a firm believer that some of us just wasnt meant to be small. I dont eat alot, eat healthy, workout and try to stay active and on paper, I am healthy and probably much healthier than some of the skinny girls out here. I read some of those comments and I came to the conclusion that the women who chose to comment so negatively were in actuality JEALOUS of your fabulousness. It was apparent that they didnt WANT to say anything nice because they hated they couldnt look as good as you. Unfortunately this world is full of people who like to say hurtful things to people merely because they are insecure in their own skin. The first comment that always seems come come out oif their mouth is "her fat ass". I usually smile and sometimes if Im in the mood I reply back with "You damn right, MY FAT ASS, caught your attention, the person youre with attention and clearly is the reason why your jealous, because you dont have a fat ass. I applaud you Chasity. Keep doing you because you inspire me and Im sure many others as well! Love Ya!!!

  33. I've been following your blog for a very long time, and the main reason for that is that your style is impeccable. You take risks and are stylish in a way that I find inspiring. I love that you are confident in who you are, and are rising above the haters. I could go in on the assumptions people make about bodies that happen to be bigger than theirs, but I'll leave that rant for another space. Keep shining!

  34. you are amazing and from reading your blog you seem to be a very honest, good hearted soul! dont let those comments get to you! you are more than that. its amazing how superficial people can be. so i guess being skinny as a stick makes you automatically healthier although you dont know that this person has bulemia etc. im sure if the media would portray being fat as super healthy everyone would want to be fat ;)

  35. so had to wait 5 minutes to pick my jaw, can not believe people have the liver to write such. anyway your confidence is amazing. as a plus size all my life i was even ashamed to go anywhere apart from church and school. started reading blogs like yours and let me brag, im slaying it. wearing all the colours i want no more only black, all the patterns and prints i like. i am uk20/22 and now no shame. people will talk and question why one person can be fat and fabulous but i tell them my fat is fabulous

  36. I worked as a plus size model for a few years and even then I struggled with the world's view of the plus sized women. The world can be a bitter place - folks can be caustic and judgmental because it takes their focus off themselves. It's bad enough to see it on internet, but it's even worse when you are confronted face to face by a friend (#?!)or family member. Been there, heard that, got the t-shirt and scars to prove it. After many years of believing what others and the media had to say about me, I finally began to believe what God said about me "I am fearfully and wonderfully made". No longer will I hide my body in shame and refuse to be HAUTE because of my dress size. http://www.bigbeautifulwellness.com/ is a wonderful website that addresses weight/wellness issues. I choose to be healthy regardless of my size. How dare someone say you will not live past 40! The last time I read the obits (which was this morning) people of all shapes, sizes, and ages were listed. Being bigger than a size 12 categorically defines us as plus sized. However, this doesn't mean that we should be in bad health. Big, small, or in-between, our bodies were created to be functionally healthy and to last a lifetime. Let's be fashionable and healthy. Haters will always be somewhere in the background despising your success--Ignore them. Keep your head up and continue to own your runway. You may never know just how many of us are out here admiring you for your beauty, confidence, and style. God Bless!

  37. Eh screw 'em. People are unhappy all the time for all different reasons. Come to think of it, some of the happiest and nicest people in the world are "plus size" - Santa, Buddha, Winnie the Pooh... I'd rather be calm, classy and confident than skinny and mean any day.

    Love the haters <3 We love you despite their nastiness and bad grammar.

    http://www.plush-plum.com - a plus(h) size fashion blog

  38. Excellent post. It's important that other women - of every size - read posts like this. You've handled the "haters" with style and grace. Keep up the good work!

  39. People will always have their opinions and we cannot change that... But Chastity if you feel great within you then that's what you need to keep doing! Haters come and go but your love for yourself is what is most important!

  40. I was 11 lbs when I was born...literally been fat my whole life. I don't care what other women say, we should have the right look however we want and not get slandered for that. It's so amazing how close-minded people are. And I bet that whoever posted that second comment doesn't understand that female body IS meant to carry extra weight, we're not supposed to be super thin, like a lot of people think...in fact sometimes being super thin is less healthy than a woman who is overweight. It's just amazing that people just can't let us live our lives and let us be happy. Anyways you look amazing, and I love seeing you and your outfits! Keep it up, girl! <3

  41. This honestly makes me want to cry. Because I struggle so much with my self-image, and just when I feel like I am getting comfortable with my size, I read comments like these, and it makes mesecond guess everything again. I wish I could find strength in them, but they just make me sad and make me feel like maybe they are right and I am kidding myself :-(

    1. At end of the day you have to do what makes you happy. If losing weight makes you happy then do it, but don't be bullied into it because you think that the world will be nicer to you. In some people's eyes regardless you will never be good enough. Super models are picked apart by people everyday and a lot of people think them to be physically perfect. This blog is about loving who you are today and self improvement. I love and accept myself, but I am always working towards improving myself in personally, health wise, and in business. I am all about personal happiness, so whatever will make you happy then go for it!

    2. You can NOT let someone that doesn't know you or your struggle to define your happiness. You have to define your own happiness and it first starts with know who YOU are...

  42. What a bunch of jerks! What are we supposed to wear? A hefty bag and a yamulke? I like your blog and your style!

  43. "my mom still made it clear that I was beautiful."
    I loved that last paragraph!
    Keep shining !


  44. I love your blog and you have inspired me to become more fashion savvy at any size!!! The misguided posters over at fashionbomb seem to have negative comments about real women with curvy bodies enjoying fashion. These same posters never go on rants about the thinner fashionbombers that are cheaply dressed, overly trendy and pretty much copied other fashionbombers from the past posts. I always see the curvier fashionbombers slaying with originality. It’s really sad that the mastermind of fashinonbomb isn’t a small chick for all this hatred to be continuing. These miserable haters are upset they aren’t as fashion savvy as you, Chastity!

  45. I know it is probably too late for me to comment on this, or not, but i just want to say that you encourage me so much. I read your blog, and I just love you and your determination to show the beauty of plus size. Though I have lose a lot of weight, I still consider myself that girl and I know that your blog and other blogs have helped me break out of my shell and take risk with my clothes and personal style. Who are they to judge you? I felt like going on that site and defending you and taking the heat off of you and on me in your honor. You are lovely, you are amazing and they are just jealous because they aren't bombs... Girl your on fire to be the Bomb 3 times. Keep showing us what beauty can be and is and I support you always... And P.S you married a doctor (as I am as well) we must be doing something right... Keep similing...

  46. I know it is probably too late for me to comment on this, or not, but i just want to say that you encourage me so much. I read your blog, and I just love you and your determination to show the beauty of plus size. Though I have lose a lot of weight, I still consider myself that girl and I know that your blog and other blogs have helped me break out of my shell and take risk with my clothes and personal style. Who are they to judge you? I felt like going on that site and defending you and taking the heat off of you and on me in your honor. You are lovely, you are amazing and they are just jealous because they aren't bombs... Girl your on fire to be the Bomb 3 times. Keep showing us what beauty can be and is and I support you always... And P.S you married a doctor (as I am as well) we must be doing something right... Keep similing...

  47. Totally love your attitude in dealing with the haters! You have fabulous style, and I find you a real inspiration!


  48. Fashion works at any size. I'm glad you are still rocking yourself in a great attitude. If you feel great it doesn't matter what the naysayers say. Stay beautiful!!

    Lady KararD

  49. You're Such an inspiration for anyone no matter what size, shape ou color. And I truly love to read your blog for the atitude and positive side that your bring to all women and special for me ;)
    Stay true to yourself and thank you for sharing your thoughts and love to the world!

    Lot's of love from sunny city of Lisbon (Portugal)


  50. Their mad and you fly.....tell em catch up boo boo


    1. No it was just her reg jumpsuit...I bought in a size 2 and I asked for it in white

  52. I love love love your style. U are such an inspiration to me abd other women. U push the envelope. U turn "skinny only" fashion into "universal" fashion. U r great and that black n white outfit when u had the bun and it was showing a little skin in the middle it is priceless. Pls tell me where u got it I have to have it

    1. Here, here Jenerica. You said it, girl.

  53. FashionBomb is a beast. The ridicule is very excessive especially if you are plus-size and it's very sad.

  54. Personally and honestly, I really believe that you are gorgeous. When I first saw your pictures here today, your weight wasn't the first thing that came to mind. It was actually your beauty. But I know everyone in the world isn't like me. Everyone can't see the true beauty of a person. I'm only a few pages in to your blog and you are definitely one of my favorites!

    btw, I really loved the outfit of the striped body con skirt with the three ways that you can wear it.

  55. Ms. Chastity:

    I had no intention of commenting but by the time I got to the end of this post I had to tell you how very inspiring you have been. Why here I blog about sporting grey hair and now you've got me wanting to write about "Graciously Grey AND Pleasingly Plumply Fashionable" as I go about a wardrobe change from modern to Regency, 1940s/1950s garments. (Please see my journey: http://www.GraciouslyGrey.com and http://www.SewAndCro.com, if you will)

    You work it girl! And, keep inspiring our healthy, stout, thick, fleshly (whatever they call it these days) women, girls, divas!

    Hugs and cheers to you,


  56. I may be late, but in the words of my mother, "Let Your HATER Be Your MOTIVATORS!"


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  61. So I was reading some of the negative comments that was posted and if it weren't for this being your blog and I would shred every single person who went out of their way to be negative, hurtful and down right insulting. The beautiful thing about bloggers and bloggers describing (UP FRONT MIND YOU) that you are a plus blogger is that you can choose to look at her blogs or NOT. I just don't get the small minded people trying to make their debut on other people's blog by being disrespectful. GO somewhere else with that nonsense (and this is not the word I really want to use). Get outta here sir or maam...go stand in the front of the mirror and take a long..good...look at yourself and talk that negative mess to yourself! Some people in this world have miserable souls and seeing others happy or doing something positive makes them feel some kind of way (and not in a good way either). Have we become so jaded that it is so easy to attempt to tear others down? I am shaking my head. If a person is a hater, just remember its not you its really all about themselves. A hater can take the time to come up with some negative crap to post on your blog instead of finding so many other beautiful things to say about you. I have always enjoyed looking at ALL plus size bloggers, no matter what size or ethnicity because I can always discover something wonderful that I can make my own or incorporate into my style. You keep doing your thing and keep on shining.. The SUN is ALWAYS shining...even when we can't see it.
